Calendar of Events
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ZUMIX Radio Movie Night
ZUMIX Radio Movie Night
Join ZUMIX Radio as we kick off a movie series based on themes of media and radio! Open and free to youth. There will be popcorn and we’ll be recording movie reviews right after. Catch us on the first floor!
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Salsa y Control Vinyl Jam Dance Social Event
Salsa y Control Vinyl Jam Dance Social Event
Join us for an evening of Salsa dancing to the vintage sounds of vinyl! This evening is a celebration of Salsa music and dance culture, including live music and dance performances! Dance to the best Salsa, Mambo, Cha Cha Cha, Pachanga and more - from the classics to the newest music! Get your dance shoes … Continued
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Pathways to Life Skills: Theatre
Pathways to Life Skills: Theatre
Join us as we welcome a panel of creative theater professionals from around Boston – including Brandie Blaze, cast member, composer and emcee in the Company One production Hoops, and Joshua Olumide, actor in The Huntington's recent episodic plays, including Sojourners and The Grove. If you've been curious about what happens behind the curtain or how to take your … Continued