Summer Intern Experience: Olman Diaz

Olman Diaz is a rising senior at East Boston High School who spent the summer working at ZUMIX.

What was the most fun project you’ve done at ZUMIX?

The most fun project was definitely doing the flyers for ZUMIX Summer Concerts and having the creative freedom to make them however I wanted. I also enjoyed the opportunity to photograph other interns on Friday field trips and having those photos be available for ZUMIX to use.

What has been challenging?

Maintaining focus when doing a project that wasn’t the most fun, like entering data, was challenging sometimes. It was hardest when I wouldn’t get enough sleep the day before, meaning that I would get tired easier and my eyes would be heavy while trying to maintain focus on my work.

Tell us about a person you met at ZUMIX. 

I’ve met a lot of wonderful people during my time at ZUMIX, but one person in particular was the most outgoing person: Madeleine Steczynski. Madeleine is someone you could talk to about anything and she’ll give you her honest opinion. She’s super energetic and she always greets you with a smile. She has taken me out to eat twice and has brought me to two art exhibits, which I am grateful for because I got the chance to sit down and talk while eating food or while giving our own thoughts about the art exhibits.

As for my other supervisors and co-workers, they are genuine people who have helped me throughout my time at ZUMIX and helped me grow as a person.